Banana peel

Did you know that you can use the peel of your banana?

In fact, the banana peel is very rich in nutrients such as Potassium, iron and magnesium.

It is a natural fertilizer for both indoor and outdoor plants (use only organic banana peel of course!)

To avoid a bad smell in your home (and also because it doesn't look very good to hang a banana peel around your plant pot), we recommend that you soak the peel (whole or in pieces) in water for at least 48 hours, then filter the water and water your plants with this water. To ensure that you keep the benefit of the nutrients, you should maintain the ratio of 1 banana peel to 1.5 liters of water.

Other uses of banana peel: to polish silver or shoes and you can make a delicious banana cake with it (see recipes).

Banana peel

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